Cancelling Kaseya Spanning Backup 2025

Published 34 days ago5 min readFreeNAS Storage Solution...
Open-Source NAS Software

Cancelling Kaseya Spanning Backups will be the discussion of this article.

Kaseya VSA was one of the first big investments I made when I started as a service provider in the early 2000s and I would like to say back then that they were on the level but that is not true, they were as shifty as a $7 note even back then.

As a side topic I will also briefly discuss the reasons you should probably stay away from Kaseya spanning backup on top of the predatory billing practices Kaseya is known for.

As a secondary goal of the main topic, I will also discuss how documentation can help IT consulting services manage and maintain data recovery solutions effectively as it specifically relates to this topic.

Record keeping is also an essential aspect of the IT industry whether it be storage solutions discussed here or the steps involved on how your self built attached storage was assembled so that others can fault find in a time effective fashion . It enables IT consulting advisors to manage and maintain the IT infrastructure of their clients effectively.

We have years of experience in working with service providers to document their processes and procedures and there is no area more important to a service provider than how their clients' backup and disaster recovery systems are documented.

Kaseya - Why Are They So Bad?

The main problem that I can see is that while they always were considered highly aggressive in their sales and marketing, at one point, the product they sold was still an important part of their focus.

In the last few years however, private equity firms with massive amounts of cash have gone on a spending spree within the technology sector and no longer is the product the aim of these companies, it is to squeeze every last dollar out which often involves eliminating areas that do not provide an instant return on investment such as product development.

It is not just Kaseya either. I purchased Connectwise PSA back in 2007 and Arnie Bellini would be the one doing the training courses. If you ever felt that you were not getting appropriate service, you could send him a direct email and it would get things moving. They used to have a great user forum with a wealth of useful information.

All that is gone now, they could not even keep the old forum which meant clients were denied access to years of shared knowledge.

We all sit back worried that the fantastic new cloud backup that we are using now will not be vacuumed up by these large private equity companies because we know what happens, the product is often destroyed, support evaporates and prices go up.

Is Kaseya Spanning Any good?

There are quite a few reports that it is failing to run or the backups are not available in the console. This is due to the backup losing access to the information it needs and so needs to be re indexed.

Prior to the Kaseya takeover, Kaseya cloud backup was owned by Unitrends and had a loyal following of long term happy clients.

Kaseya Continues To Bill Me After Cancelling

This is their standard business practice. You can breathe easy though because there is a straightforward solution to prevent Kaseya taking money out of your credit card whenever it feels like and that is as follows:

Now what this will do is leave Kaseya with a cancelled useless credit card number. Of course if you are legitimately in an agreement with them this will not work however they are at this point ignoring cancellation requests, randomly taking money, double dipping, triple dipping and who knows what else with people's credit card information and this helps in those circumstances.

I mean really, I do not know how they manage to get away with their auto rollover contracts especially after there are multiple records demonstrating that you successfully requested the agreement to be cancelled and then they bill you again!!!

The Kaseya Invoicing Game - Rules

  • You sign up for a Spanning Backup Trial.
  • Receive a barrage of marketing and offers to sign up.
  • Complete sign up online.
  • CC details handed over and invoice total given.
  • Spanning Backup trial expires and backups stop working.
  • CC charged for an amount that is half what is expected in total.
  • Backups still not running due to being expired.
  • 10 emails back and forth over 2 weeks while backups are not running.
  • CC charged again this time for the full amount on top of the other invoice..
  • Backups are still disabled.
  • Received an angry final demand email from accounts.
  • Attempt to cancel spanning tree backup and that is where the fun begins.


In the old days, companies at least needed to ignore clients requests to cancel their services. Now it seems, they happily acknowledge that they have received your request and advise that everything will be taken care of  and then quick as a flash, they continue on billing your credit card.

While this has given a great solution to the problem of Kaseya refusing to cancel charges even after multiple successful attempts, this can be used for any of their products or indeed any other company that starts getting a bit carried away with the lucky dip invoice game (is it one is two and let's guess how much it will actually be)

We have a number of other backup hardware articles listed below that will provide you with more detailed information on a number of related topics:

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Please feel free to explore our other articles and click on any that interest you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can help you with your documentation needs, please click the "Get In Touch" button to the left and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted source for technology documentation.

MSP Backups